
Sid Meier’s Civilization V Torrent

Sid Meier's Civilization V Torrent

Sid Meier’s Civilization V Torrent is yet another glistening example of turn-based bliss that will keep you up long past your bedtime. It exercises its power over your mind using many of the tricks the series has long been known for: varied ways of accomplishing your goal of world domination, the thrill of expanding a paltry city into a bustling empire, and the suspense of venturing into unknown territory. The latest Civilization game takes those basics and layers onto the new features that make moment-to-moment gameplay feel more dynamic than in the past.

Whether Sid Meier’s Civilization 5 is new to you or not, it’s easy to appreciate the newest game’s user-friendly interface, which makes figuring out what to do next a breeze, meaning more of your time is spent strategizing and less of it is spent fumbling around. The organized nested menus are intuitive and easy to get used to, and Civ V does a good job of only displaying vital information on the screen while making other information easily available with just a few clicks. A single action button leads you through every aspect of your turn. If a unit is waiting for orders, the button says so, and clicking it takes you to the unit in question. If it’s time to research a new technology, you click the button and it opens the research menu.

Sid Meier's Civilization V Torrent

There are a few aspects of the interface that could have been cleaned up. Switching between a city’s production menu and the production queue is needlessly clunky, and the diplomatic overview doesn’t label the tiny icons indicating what luxury resources other civilizations are producing. But most of the time, you always have the information you need when you need it, and neophytes should never feel in the dark.

A few of Civilization IV’s features have been eliminated–most notably, religion and espionage–though many players aren’t likely to miss them. However, longtime aspects of the series have returned. Your advisors are there if you need a bit of direction, though unit automation and little icons representing each advisor’s suggestion in the production menus mean you won’t often need to visit them. The exhaustive Civilopedia is only a click away and offers a wealth of information on every aspect of every feature.

Sid Meier's Civilization V Torrent

You still build wonders like the Egyptian pyramids, the hanging gardens, and the Great Wall, which generate cultural resources and provide other tangible benefits, without coming with the turn-by-turn maintenance cost of standard structures. The culture you gain is spent on social policies, which have replaced the governments of Civilization IV.

Each time you reach the cultural resource benchmark, you select from the policy list, which is split into multiple policy types, each of which has its sub-tree. The benefits you reap are cumulative, and while there are certain balancing restrictions in place, you still get a lot of freedom in how you want to progress. The mid- and late-game flexibility make it an excellent addition to the franchise. The first change you’ll notice, however, has even more impact on Civilization V: The map is divided into hexagons rather than squares.

Sid Meier's Civilization V Torrent

Sid Meier’s Civilization V Torrent System Requirements

  • OS: Windows 7/8/10/11
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz
  • Memory: 2GB RAM
  • Graphics:256 MB ATI HD2600 XT
  • DirectX: DirectX version 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 8 GB Free

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